MUTE Group 2 Main Task Opening Sequence

Group 3C Preliminary Task

Tuesday 5 April 2011

Evaluation Question 2

 2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

As a group we decided it was very important for us to create a sequence that looked very real- like it could actually happen. By including CUs of people at the busstop at the beginning we were trying to make it look like a social commentary on how much the youth of today text and communicate non-verbally, playing on the idea of overexposure to technology, a trait associated with the 'generation Y' demographic.  

Source: Brand Mercenaries

We cast ethnically and racially diverse extras to replicate the multiculturalism seen everyday on the streets of London. We wanted to ensure a fair and realistic representation using people from different backgrounds, with different styles and tastes to show that this inability to speak is something that affects EVERYONE equally, subjugating their autonomy and blanketing them under this one idea of lost verbal communication. This makes the characters in the film almost robotic which further connotes Sci-Fi themes.  The real signifier which reveals the film as a dystopia is when the middle aged mum uses an iPad to communicate with her daughter, showing that EVERYONE in this world uses technology, regardless of age and creates a pretty eerie effect.

 Challenging Gender Stereotypes

"Out of Total Film’s list of the 100 Greatest Female Characters in movies, ‘38 are a character in someone else’s story. 25 of those are primarily a love interest. Approximately 1/5 do not survive their film."

We wanted to break these outdated conventions by featuring a headstrong female character, a bit sassy and edgy but not too much of a tomboy. We tried to reflect this in costume with Doc Martens to show a bit of toughness but softened by her long blonde hair and feminine features to make her a bit more vulnerable and relatable

We wanted to portray a fairly conventional family unit so we saw the characters interact with eachother with traditional relationships concerning mother/daughter conflict and the reserved and distracted younger brother.

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